
French Macarons

Did you know that there is a difference between macarons and macaroons? Me either. As I was doing some research on a great macaroon recipe, I came across something that made me realize I was saying this delicious treat the wrong way. Macaroon has the extra O in the name and is a coconut cookie,

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Thanksgiving turkey

Thanksgiving Turkey

Thanksgiving   Thanksgiving is a national holiday that is celebrated by giving thanks to the harvest. Gathering with friends and family while enjoying a big feast before the harsh winter. It’s everyone’s favorite holiday because of the food that is made. Either grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, or aunts and uncles get involved in cooking all

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Your health and safety are extremely important to us.

We are taking every precaution to ensure a safe and sanitary kitchen and classroom environment. We regularly clean and disinfect our facility throughout the day and class sizes are currently limited to practice proper distancing. All staff is required to wear a face mask. We are doing everything we can to keep our guests and SLICE team safe, and are asking for your help with these additional precautions:

  • Upon arrival, you will sign in and have your temperature taken at the front desk. Any guests with a temperature over 100 degrees will be asked to go home.
  • You will be required to wear a face mask and gloves during the prep and cooking segments of class. You will be allowed to remove your face mask once you are seated at a dining table.
  • Please wash your hands upon arrival and after touching your phone, your face, door handles, and other surfaces outside of the kitchen.