updated Nov 2018 Slice Logo

Three Major Benefits of Attending Culinary School at SLICE

culinary school utah

Looking to attend a top-rated culinary school in Utah?  Our professional culinary courses will help you no matter what kind of chef you want to become. We have many options to choose from to get you started, not to mention three huge benefits that set us apart from other schools!

culinary terms

One major benefit of attending culinary school at Salt Lake Culinary Education is that…

We offer two different professional courses to help you pursue your passion!

We offer a 12-week accelerated Culinary Course and a 6-week accelerated Baking and Pastry Course. Whether you want to work for a 5-star restaurant, open a bakery, own a food truck, or write a cookbook or just show off your skills to family and friends – there are countless opportunities to use the culinary expertise you’ll gain in either program. Not sure which course interests you most? You can take both! We offer multiple sessions for each course throughout the year so that students have the opportunity to complete both programs. 

Professional cooking school professional course Salt Lake City, UT

Another huge benefit…

Both courses are accelerated, ACF-approved programs that are hands-on and in-person.

We believe that the best way to learn culinary skills is with hands-on, in person education.   Our instructors focus on providing a one-on-one learning experience. We keep class sizes small to ensure our instructors are able to give each student the time and attention they deserve to receive a high quality education. 

Salt Lake City, UT

Last, but not least (and arguably the most important benefit of them all)…

Our school is 1 out of 5 culinary schools in the nation that offers an accelerated culinary arts program approved by the American Culinary Federation Education Foundation (ACF)

and is the only accelerated professional culinary program in Utah approved by the ACF.  So what is the ACF? And why is it so important for a culinary education? The ACF is the primary professional chefs’ organization in North America. They have more than 14,000 members in over 170 chapters nationwide. This means the certificate you can earn carries more credibility than just a certificate from a local culinary institute. We offer our professional culinary institute students the opportunity to obtain the following ACF certificates:

The ACF CC –Certified Culinarian®  

The ACF CFC – Certified Fundamentals Cook®   

The ACF CPFC – Certified Pastry Fundamentals Cook®

Salt Lake Culinary Education Salt Lake City Utah cooking classes


Get started by emailing our admissions office at admissions@sliceutah.com today!   Schedule your facility tour today and sit down with our Admissions Director to explore the various options available to you as you enroll at SLICE. We look forward to hearing from our future culinary artists!

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  • Upon arrival, you will sign in and have your temperature taken at the front desk. Any guests with a temperature over 100 degrees will be asked to go home.
  • You will be required to wear a face mask and gloves during the prep and cooking segments of class. You will be allowed to remove your face mask once you are seated at a dining table.
  • Please wash your hands upon arrival and after touching your phone, your face, door handles, and other surfaces outside of the kitchen.