
Should You Go to Culinary School? Here Are 5 Reasons to Take The Leap!

Culinary School Salt Lake City, UT

Considering culinary school? Let us tell you why you should to go for it! Obviously we’re a little biased, but here at Salt Lake Culinary Education, we believe there are tons of fantastic benefits to attending culinary school – especially an accelerated, American Culinary Federation approved program. Here are the top five reasons you should take the leap: 

1. In culinary school, you won’t just learn how to cook, you’ll learn how to operate in a professional kitchen setting.

You could watch every instructional video on the internet, but it will never teach you what it’s like to cook in a professional kitchen. The ability to cook is an amazing asset, but if you’re hoping to cook for a career, you will benefit just as much from learning the systems, equipment, and routines of a commercial kitchen – all of which you will become comfortable with by attending culinary school.

2. Culinary school will help you gain a thorough understanding of food.

Sure, you already know which foods you love, but do you know the best ways to prepare them? Do you know which other foods have similar flavor profiles or would make good substitutes? Do you know the nutritional value your favorite foods provide? Culinary school offers a fountain of knowledge that anyone who is passionate about food would be thrilled to soak up.

3. You will leave culinary school with a certificate that increases your value as an employee in a kitchen.

This is where we believe our own program here at SLICE really shines. Not only is our culinary program approved by the American Culinary Federation, making your certificate a gold star on your resume that no other “boutique cooking school” can actually provide, it is also the only ACF approved program in the state that is accelerated. This means that in only 12 weeks, you can earn the same stamp of approval that other programs only offer with one or two years of education. Of course, that means that the 12 weeks are full to the brim of information, but for those who aren’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and study hard, it is a no-brainer. In exchange for 12 weeks of dedication, you receive a certificate that tells a potential employer that you have the cookery, sanitation, and time management skills it takes to work in a kitchen. 

4. The skills you will learn in culinary school can be used anywhere.

Great news: no matter where you go in the world, cooking is a priceless skill. Being a trained cook opens up a wealth of opportunities – and not just in a restaurant. There are likely many careers you haven’t even thought of, from event catering to personal chef jobs to cruise ship kitchens. In almost every industry, there is a place for someone who can prepare food. Whether you want to travel, prefer large or small scale food service, or simply enjoy preparing food for friends and family, the skills you learn in culinary school will be relevant and usable.

5. After culinary school, you will never rely on a cookbook again.

This may be the most priceless skill you learn in culinary school – the ability to look at any combination of ingredients and turn them into a meal. Learning the art of cookery (and we do believe it truly is an art) allows you to ditch recipes completely and rely on your intuition and knowledge of food to combine ingredients, adjust flavors, and create your own signature dishes complete with beautiful plating you previously believed only existed in upscale restaurants. 

While culinary school might not be the best route for everyone, it is a great option for many different types of food-lovers. There will always be a need for cooks, and cooking is a skill that will follow and benefit you for your entire life. If you’ve been on the fence about pursuing the culinary arts, consider this your sign! Call or email us anytime for information about getting your education from our professional culinary school in Salt Lake City. We’d love to help you embrace your passion for food and turn it into a lifelong career. 

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